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Thursday, October 27, 2022

Continusous line

A friend who is transitioning from one place to another said "It's good to be content wherever you land."  I love that line....and it has always been true for us as we've moved from one house to another.  Paul reminded me one time when were were deciding which house to buy that "we've been happy everywhere we've lived"....and he was right.

This was the view of our condo in the early morning light at the end of our walk this morning.  We're pretty content where we've landed this time!

And these days....Linda's line is also true for my art and craft projects.  Right now I'm content where I've landed stitching faces and I'm just going with it.  And anything you can draw with a continuous can translate into a continuous stitch.

I had done this drawing of Angie's bottle of marbles for the Sketching and Watercolor Journal Style class last April.....and thought I would try in stitch.  Another one of Gina's lessons is to cut our our funky face....or motif...and mount it on fabric...or another background.  So I thought I would give it a try with this sketch.

I drew just the simple bottle shape on the fabric (which I fused onto medium weight stabilizer)....then machine free handed the marbles referencing my drawing as I stitched along.

The writing on the bottle was a little lopsided....but not bad for never lifting the needle  even one time.  I colored some of the marbles in with posca pens....and shaded the bottle with colored pencil.

Here's how it looked after I cut it out. It's like a little patch.

I wanted to stitch a plaid for the background using black and colored thread. In the end I wish I would have stitched even more lines....and maybe just in colors....and maybe even added a little paint.  That's the advantage of putting a cut-out motif on top....the background can be anything you want it to be.
I wished I would have used the whole crayon box in the lines....and something more interesting for the foreground.  Next time.  I'm just experimenting for now.

This image above is framed digitally.....but I ended up doing a quick little fabric binding today giving it a colorful border.  I'm not exactly sure it was the right choice....but it was worth trying. And this little project is proof that if you can draw a continuous can stitch one too. I'm content where I've landed.

We had dinner with Dana and Anne this evening....
with a beautiful view of Casco Bay.  
It's always a delight!   

I took all my recent funky faces and projects because that's one of the things we do....we show and tell. Anne always has fun projects to share with me too....and we learn from each other.

Anne really loved my continuous stitched marble I seized the moment and gave it to her.  I couldn't be more tickled.

At some point I may try to sell some things again.  But in the meantime I just need to make things as I'm learning new skills and techniques.  So if you see something you love.....say something. Maybe it can be yours!  


  1. What a great idea! I love your marble bottle. I have been contemplating making fabric 'postcards' to send to friends for birthdays. :-)

    1. Thanks Elle! I was pretty excited about how it worked. I do hope you make fabric postcards.....and I'd love to see them! Thanks for staying in touch.
