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Monday, October 10, 2022

Too Many Choices!

I felt like a kid in a candy store all day today....just too many choices!    

I took a walk in the drizzle this morning...and the gray sky made the fall color just pop!  I took dozens of photos....but for now and I'll just share one of the explosion of color across the pond.  This is just steps away from our condo.....and hardly a day goes by when we don't walked around it a time or two....or three.

  Then I spent a few hours making more leave and grass prints ...who knew that that those chunky blades of grass on the left would become my favorite printing tool of the day.  More on that later.

Another new path from top to bottom on my puzzle.  Slow and steady!

But I was also a little giddy about my latest self portrait piece.  I colored another face last night....then woke up in the middle of the night with an idea of what to do with it.  Adding collage elements was the next lesson in "Funky Faces in Stitch"...and this was my interpretation.

I flip through every paper flyer, and free magazine that comes into my house for interesting images and text. You never know when I'm going to need some colorful text....and I'm glad I had choices!

I told the instructor that I may never make it to the stitching part of the course.....I'm having too much fun with paper.

My initial plan was to do a weaving for the background...but after auditioning the cutout on the strips....I decided it would make it too busy.  The weaving idea may show up on another one.....I have a dozen ideas in my head!  Too many choices!  

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