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Monday, November 7, 2022


"The world needs more humans who are in touch with all parts of who they are. The world needs more humans who are willing to accept their full humanity and are willing to see the humanity in those who differ from them. The world needs more humans who aren't afraid to fail, aren't afraid to be wrong, and aren't afraid to make mistakes." Lisa Olivera

I don't know about you....but I'm a little anxious about election day this year.  I'm tired of campaign signs and ads and I'm exhausted by the pollsters and pundits.  

For weeks...maybe months....we've gotten at least one campaign  flyer in the mail a day...usually more.  I started a pile and just today cut some of the words into strips and stitched them together for a card.  It actually was a bit cathartic.  The colors are soothing and beachy.

I'm sure there's a metaphor here....but I'll let your mind take you where you need to go. 

I may be anxious about what's to come....but I am comforted with some of the words that are still peaking respect, families, and support.  I have to continue to have hope that goodness....and love....and respect for humanity will ultimately prevail.

Liz just texted me this photo.....her row of rainbow books illuminated by the setting sun.  It won't be long and I'll be sitting in this space myself.  

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