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Monday, December 5, 2022

The Number 3

I'm channeling Sesame Street....where each episode was brought to you by the letter B...or the the number 10.  So this post is brought to you by the number 3! 

3 is my favorite number.  

Esté's day three prompt for the Creative Circle class was to use the "3" shape as a starting place to create foliage stencils.....then use the stencils to sketch and paint a wreath. 

I'm not a painter....and I don't play one here on the blog....but as the saying goes...if you can't paint...then by all means PAINT!

I highlighted the original three on the was such an interesting way to start a drawing. And using stencils was a brilliant way to sketch a wreath....moving and rotating the stencils to create repeating elements.  It made is so much easier.

I made several others stencils....but these were the ones I used in this wreath.

I painted in short little chunks of time today in between finishing my decorating....and that gave each element time to dry. It worked well because I'm usually impatient when it comes to drying time.

I could have done better with the outlining and accents.....but I'm thinking of this as a practice round. I'll most certainly be painting more wreaths with stencils.  And maybe I can even improve this one a bit. But this is where number 3 landed today....and it felt good to paint.  

And I've watched the day four video lessons....and guess what?  It features the #4!

Today's decorating moment is the shelf in the living room. I edited a few things out....and tucked a few Christmas things in.....little moments....most of them in sets of 3.


One of my favorites on the shelf is the tiny little wooden Nativity made by my sister Angie.  I think it was a work in progress....but LaVonn found it when they were cleaning out Angie's house...and sent it to me. I absolutely treasure it. Angie was such a talented artist.

I also love this Christmas cross stitch I found ad a thrift store....and the best part is that Margaret....a blog reader stitched the same one.  It's a small creative world!

My decorating is pretty much done....
and the Merry and Bright puzzle is definitely done.

And this sweet city scene is up next! Pure Joy!

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