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Tuesday, January 10, 2023


I would rather be curious...than certain.

Often times on our walks I get a view that makes me pause.  It might be a view into the woods...or up in the sky....or like today into a neighborhood.  The colors and lines of this scene really caught my eye. There are two yellow houses complementing the colors of the sunrise and a couple houses in the middle with amazing looking porches.  Paul waited....while I soaked it in.

 Sometimes I get something in my head in the evening...or even late at night...and I can't go to sleep until I do something about it. 

I was thinking about my silly little stained glass wreath....and auditioned a few metallic baubles before I went to bed. It was that's all I planned to do.

Then I couldn't let it curiosity was sparked. So I settled into my clean table and cut circles.

I woke up this morning to this pretty little pile
 of tiny metallic baubles all outlined in gold....ready to go. 

I love them in the light of day....and I love the scraps that were left over.


So this morning I also made a few plain green leaf break up the business of the others leaves.

The squishy black pen I'm using to outline is a BIC Grip Permanent.  It's got a big not all that great for doodling or writing but it's perfect for this edging project. Better than the Sharpie I used to use.
And this is my favorite gold paint pen is this Pen-Touch....
I've auditioned quite a few.

I have a smaller version...but it doesn't flow as well....  
this 2.0 medium point works the best for me.

Depending on how heavy or light my touch is....I can make any size dots. And the gold paint pools a they can appear raised.  It's great for outlining too...but I have to be careful I don't get too much flow.

I didn't start the wreath today....there were too many other things I chose to do.... including a nap. And even though Christmas is 11 1/2 months away.....a metallic bauble wreath is coming soon.

Am I sure it's going to work?  No...but I'd rather be curious than certain.


  1. Yes! To me, curiosity=creativity. Or at least, curiosity leads to creativity. I believe this is why I have some/many/a few :) unfinished projects- I truly just want to see IF I can do, what it would/could look like, will I enjoy the process. The finished project is somewhat secondary to the rest of it. That's my story, and I'm sticking with it :). Seriously, keep these ideas and curiosities coming- you never know who or what you might inspire.

    1. Your story is MY story! Well said Kathy! May we always be curious!

  2. This is going to be beautiful. And look at that blooming underpaper - it’s becoming gorgeouser and gorgeouser! I agree with your and Kathy’s comments that curiosity leads to so much richness as I, too, have a few / some / many projects “started.” 🤣

    1. Thanks Roseanne! Welcome to the "curious club!" Funny you should mention the underpaper....I noticed it too and thought I should be using paper instead of cardboard so I could use it in collage.
