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Monday, January 30, 2023


My sister Angie was an artist and a crafter. She also was a hard working handywoman, a dedicated volunteer.....and an enthusiastic collector.  She could make anything and collected everything. And she loved her stuff.  

I have memories of her responding sharply to us sisters when we talked about her needing to let things go of some things....."I like my stuff." 

But after she became ill she knew that one day she might have to leave her home....and we all knew it would be difficult. In preparation for that day....she began to go through her stuff as best she could.

When I visited I tried to help. I fetched boxes for her to sort through and toted things to the car for donation or to the backyard burn pile. 

Hardly any words were exchanged....Angie was a woman of few words. I just patiently waited until I was told what to do next....because when I was with Angie....she was in charge.  Even in my own home she was in charge. And she worked miracles.

I have clear memories of her going through a box picking up every single item and assessing its value.  Can I use this?  Could someone else use it?  If it was broken, could it be fixed?  

She would tediously match nuts to bolts, and inspect some mystery contraption checking to see if all the parts were there.  I could clearly see the magnitude of the task ahead of her...and I was beginning to understand the urgency of getting it done. I just wanted to help her move along.

But Angie was in charge.

I've been thinking about Angie recently as we approach the 2nd anniversary of her death. And I have come to recognize that I am like my her in many ways. In NO way do I have her vast talents....but we shared the drive to create, the love of problem solving.....and the joy of collecting.  And just like Angie....I like my stuff.

I don't have nuts and bolts to match boxes are mostly filled with pretty papers and fabric....snippets and sample projects. My motives might be a bit different....but my task is the same. I'm I know I have the gift of time that Angie wasn't blessed with and I won't have to leave my home and studio anytime soon. She needed to get rid of some things....and I want to.

I have some ideas percolating that I'm kind of excited about. And in the meantime I will think of Angie as I tediously and joyfully go through my bins and boxes of things I have collected, snipped or created over time. I shed a few tears today as picked up tiny bits of this or that and ask myself Can I use this?  Could someone else use it? Can this be fixed made into something?

The first photo in this post was this yellow gumball machine filled with 
marbles at Angie's house....and here it is at my house. It is one of my very favorite 
items....from Angie's stuff.

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