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Friday, February 10, 2023

Waiting Patiently

Subtitle: 2.6 Ounces of Joy

Paul pointed out this cute little arch formation on our walk this morning....and he waited patiently while I took some photos.

It's probably better that I not comment on this other little gem right behind it. 😉

Little did he know that I pointed the camera up. If he's not walking in circles while I take my morning'll find him waiting patiently....just like this.

This was a little later this morning....a spectacul sky with spring like temperatures at almost 50 degrees! I'll take it!

I've had a few last emails trickle in for my Ounce of Joy giveaway.  I'm a little nervous about the fact that many of them should be arriving at their destinations...and I'm just not sure what people will think.  But it was quite joyful from my end.....and the whole exercise had quite an impact on me.....and may lead to some other positive things. I will likely be sharing a little more about that here in the next few days.....then maybe I'll stop talking about it.  Maybe.

But as of today...this is the last envelope I have to get out...and this one got hand delivered.

Paul and I had dinner with Dana and Anne this evening and Anne and I always look forward to comparing notes and sharing our projects.  So for her envelope the Ounce of Joy turned into: How many ounces of joy can I actually fit into an envelope and still seal it up?
In this's 2.6 ounces!
More on this visit another day....because Anne had a very interesting and amazing project to share with me....and you will just have to wait patiently.  (I just love it when I can work the title...back into the end.)

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