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Sunday, March 5, 2023

A Journaler?

I found an art journal I started a few years's been missing in action since the permanent move.  I remember enjoying creating the bones of this book....but I'm really not a journaler.....never have been....and probably never will be.  I don't think.

I guess I'm a blogger....but that's even hard to say.  I'm a doer...and a noticer....and I just happen to write about what I do....or notice.

This blog is my journal of sorts....where I say what's on my mind....and where I celebrate or share something that I've made or experienced. The topics are random....and totally depend on what presents itself on any given day....what has brought me joy.

So I was excited when I found this journal....but was also reminded of the fact that I didn't know what to do with it next. 

I wrote about starting it back in 2020 in this post:

What I enjoyed most was this process of transforming this store bought journal by ripping down the pages....and adding my own attachments.  I stitched in all kinds of things including a postcard, some of my boys' art, and my own experiments....and I loved the way some of them layered.  I liked altering the journal.....way more than the idea of writing in it...or arting in it.

As you know....I've been taking a hand lettering class called Love your Imperfect Lettering.  We're at the point where there is a 30 day challenge to practice the "imperfect lettering" styles and techniques we've learned....and I decided this journal is the perfect place to do the exercises.  It doesn't matter what I write or if I make's just for me.  

This was day one..."just write."  So I wrote the quote from the top of my blog.

Day two was completing the sentence I am a lover of
(I could have gone on and on....maybe I will on another page.)

I've kind of mixed up some of the next days.....playing with the prompts....and doing my own thing. I made some terrible mistakes on this page of Mary Oliver quotes....but the green gelli print snippet covered most of them up.  And I kind of like the look. 

These are random notes I found in a notebook.....things I heard in a podcast....or in a class....or things I need to remind myself. I write stuff down all the time...and it's everywhere. With hand lettering doesn't matter what you write....just write. If there's not room for the whole word....just carry it over to the next line. And I'm certain there are mistakes.

I'll share more as I go along with the lettering prompts.  AND.....I may reflect a bit more on this whole notion of figuring out what I am. I don't think I'm an art journaler.....

....or am I?

And...maybe it doesn't really matter what I am as long as I just do what brings me joy.


  1. Kristin Sykes-DavidMarch 6, 2023 at 1:09 AM

    Thank you SO much for sharing your joy with us!!! It brings me JOY!

    1. Well that is about the best thing you could say to me! Thank you so much Kristin! Thanks for following along!
