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Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Another Snow Day.....

....and I didn't step a foot outside!  

I wasn't even tempted. As I am writing this....the wind is just howling!

I penciled in "another snow day" and watercolored around it......I just needed a little color today.  Then I went over my pencil lines in black pen....and sewed it into the little journal I've been working on.  I need to remember to put the date on it....a reminder of SNOW on March 14, 2023.

The paper on the page behind it came from Lynne which she made by collaging between two pieces of deli wrap.  

Lynne was the first person to introduce me to deli paper back in 2018....and she even share some of her stash with me.  I've never looked's become one of my most used kinds of paper for gelli plate printing and collage.

I wrote about her gift here:

What's on the next page...on the other side of Lynne's paper?  You've seen the hand lettering....but I did develop the page spread just a bit.

And I've developed the next spread too.  As you can see I'm quite fond of this particular stencil....I just love that squiggly shape!  It lends itself to so many ways to use it....and as you can see I like cutting the squiggles out for collage.

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