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Wednesday, April 26, 2023

It's A Wrap!

I am heading home this afternoon....and won't be in Portland until late tonight.  So I'm posting this early today....with some final photos from my trip.  

Wisconsin....spring's a wrap!
It's been wonderful!

Emily....the proud mom and my goddaughter!

And just for fun....Becky liked my new shoes enough that she ordered a pair too....and they came before I left.  We've been friends for a long time....and our time together is always good for both of us. Thanks Becky!


  1. from Elizabeth Berg's novel OPEN HOUSE, referencing long-time friends——
    “I’m wearing my new shirt tomorrow,” she calls. “You wear yours.”
    We’d bought matching flannel blue shirts. An old tradition: each time one of us visits the other, we buy something alike.
    I wonder what we’ll buy in our eighties. I can see us standing together in some department-store aisle, holding up flannel nighties for each other’s shaky inspection. Probably asking each other if the gowns make us look fat.

    1. Perfect! Thank you Dotty....I'm smiling ear to ear!
