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Tuesday, April 18, 2023

This and That

It's was a this and that kind of day.... packing and chores...and whatever else fell in my lap.  I will be on my way to Wisconsin early tomorrow (Wednesday) morning.  I'm looking forward to time with Becky and our art group....I'll get to see Emily and Keegan and meet their son Max (my God Grandson)....and I'm excited about a few days with my three sisters.  

But here's a little this and that from today.

I found a fabric ball that I had started a long time ago....

and decided to finish it up for Max. The fabric pieces are all stitched together by hand. I'm glad it will have a loving home. 

Most of the perennials are poking through...
and I expect I'll come home to a very different looking garden. 

Some of my mini daffodils are blooming....and the iris just keeps getting more interesting....especially covered in raindrops. I expect they will be completely gone when I get back.

I took this one later in the day....I grow more and more fond of 
these fading blooms every day.

I finished my puzzle today....and it had a very interesting ending.  Margie did this one first....and I don't remember her saying anything about it.

As I was putting in the last piece....I seemed to have an extra one.  I was sure I had an empty spot somewhere else.....that has happened before.

I looked and looked...ran my hands over the puzzle several times...there were no open spaces.  

Once I was certain I wasn't missing a spot....I looked for the matching piece.  Sure enough....there were two of one piece.  I feel bad for the person out there who might have this same puzzle with this missing piece.  Wouldn't it be cool if there was some way to find them?  
I like when I finish a puzzle as I'm heading out on a trip...and this one...was fabulous!  Many things will be new when I get back....the gardens and the trees will be further along....and I'll get to start a new puzzle.  

I'm leaving a beautiful Christmas cactus bloom behind....
and a few more coming. I wonder what I'll find blooming in Wisconsin! 
Hopefully a little of this and a little of that!

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