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Thursday, May 25, 2023

Monthly Celebrations

Both Paul and I were quite taken with this dandelion field on our walk....and I didn't fully appreciated the layers of color and light until I saw it in this post. 

Paul and I mostly go with the flow and let the days unfold as they may.  We don't make a lot of big plans or take fancy vacations...because we love being home. We do try and seize moments to gather with others and explore our beautiful state as opportunities arise. 

There are, however, some things we do with intention.

One of the best things we do is to have a 4:00 happy hour. Unless we are away....or otherwise engaged...we pause every day to just be together.  We've been doing it for as long as I can remember....almost every single day.

We report on our day, share good news, and tell our stories. We talk about things that are weighing on our minds and let each be mad or cranky if we need to be. We laugh and play games....and this time of year we sit on the patio and watch the birds and enjoy the woods. 

Happy hour has become an integral and intentional part of our day...and a wonderful thing for our marriage.  We KNOW....that at 4:00 we have each other's undivided attention.

We recently decided to add another intentional activity....monthly celebrations!  

We have several things to celebrate this particular month.....but Paul and I have decided to designate one day near the end of every month to have an extra special meal or outing....and consciously lift up things we want to celebrate.


I made this book in a class in 2017....this lesson was on the coptic stitch and I wrote about it here:

I added lined pages thinking I would use if for journaling....
but the book has been just sitting empty on a shelf ever since.

So's going to be the "Monthly Celebrations" log book
where we will record things from the month we want to lift up. 
We started today.


Happy 42nd Anniversary Paul!  
We have much to be grateful for....and much to celebrate!


  1. Congratulations!
    And what a lovely new tradition to celebrate together!

    1. Thanks Becky! We thought it was a good thing to start!

  2. "She seemed to have fallen in love again. With her own husband! The convenience of it pleased her -- like finding right in her pantry all the fixings she needed for a new recipe." (—Anne Tyler, BREATHING LESSONS)

    I raise a glass in celebration with you two! ❤️ ❤️

    1. LOVE this quote!!! All the right fixings indeed!

  3. Congratulations to you both. We, too, are CELEBRATING 42 years together. What lovely photos.
    I have been teaching my 18month old granddaughter about dandelion clocks and flying witches/fairies. Love watching her trying to blow.

    1. Sorry, it's Kate from Sussex, England. Can't work the tech stuff!

    2. Thanks Kate! I struggle with the tech stuff too...but glad to know it's you! Happy 42 to you too!!! I can picture you granddaughter blowing the dandelion seeds....and it makes me smile! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Happy 42nd Anniversary! Love your traditions- old and new. Lovely wedding pictrue as well.

    1. Thanks Kathy....simple habits and traditions see to work well for us. Thanks for reaching out!
