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Monday, June 5, 2023


Roseanne sent me a link to an article called Happiness, Here and Now...Finding Delight Close To Home by Claudia Cummins. I found the article compelling....and you can find it here

"The world longs for us to be happy. It invites us to live in delight, to revel in the smallest beauties and widest wonders that etch themselves so casually into our days ."  Claudia Cummins 

We've had several days of rain...and cooler cold temperatures.  I've not minded actually....we desperately needed the rain and I'm quite content in my sweatshirts and wooly socks. But it stopped today so Paul and I got out for a walk....and I reveled in the beauty of the raindrops on the petals.

Colors just pop on an overcast day.

I'm going to pull out a few quotes from the article here and there to add to my art journal....starting with this one for my recent doodle page. 

The red and coral leaf print seemed like the perfect background to extend the image.

Since I took these photos....I did add Claudia's name to the page. 
I always want to give credit where it's due.
Thanks Roseanne for the hook-up!


  1. The colors of the flowers are extraordinary! Thanks for sharing

    1. Yes! Mother Nature sure knows how to paint the world with color!

  2. The red and coral leaf print is a pretty darn great extension of your neurographic doodle—ta da! Thank you for sharing the article that came your way. Cummins's assertion that "the world longs for us to be happy, to live with deep faith and easy breath, to awake to the amazements that surround us and in fulfillment of our truest being" resonates with me, and your blog so magnificently brings action to the intention to live in just that way. An e.e. cummings poem that I first discovered in 1967 comes to mind:

    seeker of truth

    follow no path
    all paths lead where

    truth is here

    1. Thanks Dotty! There are "amazements" all around us....we just have to take the time to notice them. Allowing myself to "see" has become my journey. Thank you for sharing the cummings poem.....truth....and beauty is right here!
