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Friday, July 21, 2023

Unexspected Surpirse

I've used this "Unexpected Surprise" title several times...and I get to use it again today. I love little surprises.....with little being the key word here.

Here it delightful unexpected teeny weeny surprise.  So small that it was hard to photograph.

What's the big deal?  You'll have to read on to find out.

I had this fern for almost 10 years in Lexington where it lived on the back patio in the summer and inside in the winter.  I almost dumped it before I moved in early 2021...and you can read that story here:

I saved a couple pieces....and still have one that I've been nursing back to life at the condo for the past 2 1/2 years.  

This is what it looked like in January of 2021.  
All the original branches died...but new growth was coming.

This is what it looks like today. 
It has a ton of new growth and has filled in nicely.
It's a big me!

This is the first summer I've put it outside...and it has loved the rain and humidity. 
And it's right at my front door where I always pictured it all along...and it's just going to keep getting bigger and better.

As I was watering it this morning I noticed some tiny little buds and little pearls along the stem of the fern.  I've only had it bloom a couple times....and here we go again.  What a wonderful unexpected surprise!  At some point I may even get some red berries...I've been surprised by that a couple times too.

Time...and a little nurturing...can do wonders!


Paul and I are headed out for an evening with friends....just what we need.


  1. thank you for the gift of your daily observations, maryann
