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Monday, August 28, 2023

Birthday Blobs

This is the time of year that signs of fall start popping up here and there.
Random leaves turning colors....acorns dropping in the backyard....
and cool mornings and evenings.  I love it.

Sumac is one of the first to turn...and I love the variety of colors.

Paul even picked up a found object in fall colors.  It looks like wire...but it's plastic so doesn't bend....I'm quite fond of it.

I can't believe September is right around the corner.  September and October are my favorite bring it on.  I've spent nearly 1/2 of August being I'm ready for a change of the calendar.

But September also means I have a 2024 reader calendar to assemble for Liz's September birthday....and I had to get the September 2023 calendar page in the mail to Becky.

Becky gave me Terry Runyan's book Painting Happiness last summer...and her 2023 calendar has been inspired by Terry's work.   

I'm often finishing them at the last minute...and forget to take photos so have not posted about them very much.  They're not masterpieces....but I've had fun with it. 

But with September looming....and in the midst of my COVID fog.....

I was inspired by one of Terry's recent  Instagram posts and made Becky some birthday blob cupcakes.  Terry often starts with watercolor blobs that she turns into birds and other whimsical images.

I think the touches of gold are just right for 
Becky's birthday month calendar page.

And I found the perfect scrapbook paper for the envelope liner.  
It's like an envelope full of confetti cupcake sprinkles.
Or maybe they're confetti blobs!


  1. The bright confetti-like colors, the whimsicality, the envelope liner, the hints of autumn—perfection, MaryAnn!

    1. Well....perfection might be a stretch....but I do think it's pretty fun. Thanks for cheering me on Dotty!

  2. The fun birthday calendar and perfectly coordinated envelope do not look like brain fuzz to me! I hope this means you really are getting better.

    1. Thanks Kathy. I AM better...but not 100% yet. It feels good to be thinking about creative things.
