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Friday, August 25, 2023

Fuzzy Brain

Paul and I were sitting on the patio yesterday late afternoon/evening enjoying the picture perfect day....when Sam came out to try out his new purchase.  It's a cross between a hammock....a tent....a cocoon...and a boat.

It was fun watching him string it up and figure it out....we were quite entertained.  It comes with an lightweight insulated blanket for underneath....and a large rain tarp for overhead...which he didn't try out. 
It's really quite impressive...and he hopes to try it out on a biking/camping trip with friends this weekend...if it ever stops raining.

Once he crawled inside his little cocoon tent....he stayed for quite a while enjoying the quiet of the woods. 

I kind of feel like I want to crawl into a little cocoon and come transformed. I'm on day 10 of this COVID journey....and still not feeling myself. I had an original surge after 5 or 6 days...but now my brain is fuzzy and I'm having a hard time concentrating on anything.  And my energy level is still pretty low.  I actually went to the doctor...and my lungs are fine. So I need to practice patience....and just lay low for a while longer and hope I don't have a recurrence.  Which....apparently is a thing.  I just hope it's not my thing.  Luckily...Paul is pretty much back to himself.

I am enjoying this's just easy enough for my fuzzy brain to handle.


  1. MaryAnn, I fully endorse and highly respect your practicing patience as you move through your experience of COVID. I know many people of only one or two degrees of separation from me who've recently had or currently have COVID—significantly more than at any other time since the beginning of COVID. Dave and I went to see an Edward Hopper exhibit (wonderful!) at a local museum this afternoon and wore masks again for the first time in months; I definitely had you in mind. I continue to send all best wishes your way.

    1. Thanks Dotty! I do think it's on the rise again. Both the doctor and the nurse I saw yesterday recently had it. Paul and I have also recommitted to masks. It's so easy. I remain hopeful...and will try and stay positive and practice patience.

  2. Oh MaryAnn! Sorry to hear you are still not feeling like your usual self. I was going to suggest you work on a puzzle as that always seems to bring you JOY- and there it was at the end of the post. Hope a few more days of rest does the trick. Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy! Yes! I was so glad to be out of isolation and back to the puzzle table. It is most certainly a source of comfort and joy.
