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Saturday, August 5, 2023


Roseanne alerted me to an Instagram post from Helen Marie....titled "A little guide to glimmers." 

Helen's notion of "glimmers" goes hand in had with "joy."  Joy is the feeling I get when something wonderful lands in my day.  Glimmers are the actual things....or thoughts and connections that can lead to joy.  Helen refers to them as "micro-moments of awe that create a shift within that brings feelings of ease, calm & hope."  They are the "opposite of a trigger."  

I will need to ponder this for a while...but I like it.

How can I not celebrate that both my white rain lily buds opened this morning.  Wasn't I right?  Aren't they spectacular!!!! The very moment I saw them out the patio doors....I felt a glimmer!

I'm giving the one on the right to Janice....she's cooking dinner tonight.
There's at least one more bud coming in one of the pots....and hopefully they'll come one right after the other for a while. Let the games begin!

After a nudge from Janice...I made my way to the Portland Farmers' Market this morning. Deering Oaks Park is such a pretty city setting for the market....all the vendors are right behind where I was standing.

I'm celebrating some of the Farmers' Market colors and textures!


  1. glimmers! a beautiful way to embrace life! maryann, i'm going to text you a photo of a painting of mine which came to mind immediately as i finished reading your post.

    1. I thought so.....the notion of glimmers is really resonating with me. Your painting of the tomatoes is fabulous! Thanks for sharing Dotty!
