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Monday, September 11, 2023

Late Summer Bloom Experiment

Several weeks ago I was playing around with ways to create texture using acrylic paints.  I wasn't in love with the colors I chose....but it was more about practicing techniques so it didn't really matter.  The papers got set aside.

Inspired by the deep colors of the late summer hydrangea...and by Becky's purple card...I decided to turn one of papers into a late summer bloom experiment.

Successful?  Somewhat. But there's room for improvement. I learned a lot in the process and may take another run at it sometime. 

You can see the splotchy background....not the best but thought it might be OK as an underpainting.  I watered down some pinky purple acrylic paint and applied it with my finger to give the sense of petals.  Then using dark purple thread I outlined some free motion petals. I ended up adding a bit more paint to the petals after I stitched. Next time I might be a little more "loose" and "messy" with the stitching.  That was the lesson I learned with other free motion flowers but I generally have to learn my lessons several times before they sink in.


Using translucent zinc white paint I painted a wash over the rest of the background. At first the JOY was really dark and I didn't like did a wash over that too.  I also added gold centers to the petals but it still needed was a little blah.


At first I auditioned leaves...but that was too forced.  I decided to go with circles cut from gelli prints.  The green was a welcomed addition and they added a little whimsy to this late summer bloom experiement.



  1. I love being invited into your laboratory to watch experiments unfold, MaryAnn, and I'm grateful for your experimental mindset.

    1. I've never thought about my studio as a lab....but it's kind of true. I do like trying new things and playing around with the tools and materials I have right at hand.

  2. I, too, enjoy watching your experiments - and hope to try some of them myself.

    :) Linda

    1. Thanks fun for me to experiment...and it's fun for me to share. I do hope you play around too.
