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Monday, September 18, 2023


This Crystals puzzle was another quick one....but oh so satisfying. Margie did it first....and I know she liked it too.  I started with the purples and blues....and once those were in place one color and one crystal easily led to the next.  There was immediate gratification every time I sat down.

This was the moment I connected the top to the bottom...
and created another path at an angle.

One of things I love about this this kind of puzzle is looking for the pieces with tiny smidgens of color. When you pick one up you know exactly where it goes.   

I love the word smidgen....and I've been thinking about it all day.  I'm a bit preoccupied with a variety of things health and home related these days so a delightful smidgen of anything needs to be celebrated.  

Look at these satisfying little smidgens of color!
Almost every leafy green piece I was left with at the end had a smidgen of something making it easy to place.  A smidgen of pink on the left...and blue on the right.

And I did a smidgen of art assemblage today....and added my first stitched floral doodle to my art journal.  I think it pairs well with the flower doodle cutouts.
Some days all you need is a smidgen of joy!


  1. The word smidgen is a terrific one, and I love that you gave us photographic evidence of telltale smidgens of color on two of the many leafy green jigsaw puzzle pieces.

    The smidgen-of-joy spread in your art journal lets us see how well they pair and, within that pairing, showcases contrasts between the two pages; on the left, curves, softnesses, freeform splatters; on the right, sharp points and rectilinear piecework.

    1. It IS a great word! Thanks for the vote of confidence on the pairing of the two art journal pages. I think they contrast....and compliment! Thanks Dotty!

  2. I hope you find more than just a smidgen of joy today.

    1. Thanks Kathy! I always do! I hope you find a big heaping pile!!!
