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Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Done For Now

"Observation is one of the most important factors in creativity, it is often just seeing all sorts of everyday objects and occurrences and letting them feed your personal visual archive.  If you don't allow yourself the time to consciously observe, your creative mojo will almost certainly become starved.  Philippa Stanton

Paul and I took a little practical field trip this morning...breakfast out and errands.  We seldom do errands it was kind of fun.  And because some of our errands were in South Portland...we stopped at Bug Light Park....still one of our favorite spots.  The park was quiet...but the harbor was busy.

I hadn't remembered that there was bittersweet.   

Here's the art journal spread I've been working on.  It may not be done...but it's done for now.  On the left page is the quote that at the top of the post.  It's a couple quotes strung together from Conscious Creativity by Philippa Stanton. Philippa is the one who really taught me how to observe the world around all of its beauty and decay. My close observation of the strawflowers has certainly fed my creative mojo recently....and I'm going to visit them again very soon. 


  1. Love the bittersweet! I had bittersweet in my bridal bouquet (48 years ago), and I collect some every year to weave into a grapevine wreath that I hang on a garage wall that is directly across from the window through which I view the world when I'm at the kitchen sink.

    Your art journal spread dances vibrantly with bright colors and movement while also providing resting places.

    1. I love bittersweet too....but learned a lesson not to have it where it can drop seeds and root. The vines can choke everything around it if you let it. It sure it pretty this time of year!!!
