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Thursday, October 5, 2023

Sassy Redhead

"Sometimes the path that will bring you the most joy will need some clearing." Curly Girl Design

Paul found a couple unusual objects: an orange rope bracelet you can see on my wrist...and a sassy looking little redhead. Now that I think of it...Paul used to be a sassy redhead too. I think that's what I was attracted to most.

There's something about sunflowers against 
the blue sky that are Strikingly Pleasing.

I covered 100 of the match boxes today....50 more to go. 

Once I adhere the paper......I press the boxes under the small cutting board for a minute or two. I kept pushing them back in my little assembly line going while I watched art videos on my computer. Not a bad way to spend a little time this afternoon.


  1. You guys find such variety in your found objects on your walks. I haven't found too much around here.
