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Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Edits and Filters

"Life was so much more fun when she wore her rose colored glasses." Art Head Studio

This morning's walk was a challenge. I don't love the frigid cold.....and I love it less and less as I get older.  The wind chill was 14 degrees....but I was up and out there with Paul.  He actually loves the cold.

I was hesitant to pull my hands out of my purple mittens...but I was quite taken with the frost on a car window along our route.

It was hard to photograph with the glare...

but I quickly did the best I could given the conditions. When I got home I did some photo editing and enhanced the patterns with a filter.
I'm guessing there are people who think editing a photo is cheating.  But Philippa Stanton taught me that it's as much of an art as drawing or painting.  Photos are only as good as the camera you are using....and of course things like light and print or technology quality.

Philippa taught me that my photos should look like how I felt when I was actually seeing the subject with my own eyes and experiencing it with all my senses.  No camera can really capture that....but the tools and filters can help.

The patterns on the windshield were beautiful in the morning light.....and these edited frosty blue images capture more how they made me feel.  

I edit pretty much all the photos I put on the blog....that's the fun part of photography for me.  I don't use filters very often...but I crop, straighten, brighten or darken, and play with many of the other tools just a bit.  It only takes a few seconds....but worth it to me every time.  

These leaves were laying on the ground after a frost a week or so ago. There seemed to be so many shades of green...and I thought the random crisscross pattern was interesting.

When I got home and looked at the photograph I was disappointed. But with just a bit of editing....the photo came to life.


  1. I'm not a girl who relishes the cold either, MaryAnn, but, like you, I bundled up first thing this morning and got myself out into the sharp-edged fresh air. I think your temps were lower than ours. My treats were frost glittering at my feet everywhere while two hoot owls had a long conversation.
    Your editing activities sound much like mine. Getting good photos to post online can be very challenging; the editing features on my phone and laptop can be great tools to more accurately capture the way I'm seeing directly with my own eyes. Thanks for sharing Philippa Stanton's guiding principle—helpful and freeing.

    1. There always seems to be a treat waiting out it's worth the effort. But I do have my limits.

      Nice to know another photo editor.....but there's nothing like seeing it with out own eyes. But Philippa also says photos are a way of documenting what we see....and some of us like to share that with others.

      Happy Thanksgiving Dotty! Thanks for being such a source of inspiration and support!

  2. Not cheating! The colors never seem to be just right and unless I change/enhance them, I always have to say something like "much better in person".
    You and I grew up in the beyond COLD state, so we know what cold is. I have grown very accustomed to the mild winters I have now. Not sure I could handle those winters again. BRRRRRRRR

    1. Thanks Kathy! Even after editing I often have said it was "much better in person." It always is.

      I do have a line with the cold where I stay inside....and I'm glad I have that option.

      Happy Thanksgiving Kathy! Thank you for all your supportive and uplifting comments! They are so appreciated!
