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Friday, December 29, 2023

Anchor Image Exchange #3

Subtitle: Fiddling and Fusing

Becky's anchor image was a bold beach sunset.  There were a couple things that caught my eye right away...the subtle pinks and purples at the horizon...and the little sliver of land on the left along the horizon with what looks like a lighthouse right at the end. 

You have to really zoom it to see the lighthouse...and I think I was the only one who noticed it.  Maybe it's my Maine lighthouse radar.

Becky's was the only card I more closely recreated the anchor image. I added the little lighthouse....with a tiny gold dot for the light. It's hard to see my lighthouse in this photo.....and it's hard to capture the gold straight on.....  

...unless you tilt it to the light. 

My piece started with four gelli prints the colors I pulled from the sky.

I also used this printed paper gifted to me from Roseanne...I thought it might be just the right substrate to give the water some texture.  I decided to add fusible webbing to the back of everything so I didn't have to use glue.  It worked perfectly.
I found a black geli print for the beach...then fiddled with the shapes and colors before I fused it all together. I am fully aware that I overworked the water on the finished piece.

It would have been so much better with more of the texture from the paper showing through like it is here. I just kept adding another layer....and another trying to get that depth. I should have kept it simple and stopped way sooner. 
I knew I wanted to add some dune grass and my first thought was to stitch it in.  But that could have gone very in the end the white paint pen against the black beach worked well. The moon is punched out of watercolor paper painted with white shimmery watercolor.

I think the tiny black mount frames it nicely....

and the pink scalloped envelope liner was just right.
I put a favorite beach quote on the back 
and anchor image #3 was ready to go back to Becky.

Becky took a very different approach on her version of her anchor image. 

She focused on the color scheme... and the moon became the center of her flower.  It evokes the image perfectly.
Both Tracie and Brenda created watercolor versions.  Tracie's sky is so dramatic....I especially love that yummy purple horizon line! She captured the swoopy line created by the moon so well.  

Brenda's watercolor sky is also swoopy and beautiful with all the distinctive colors. I thought she captured the moodiness of the water and I love the tuft of dune grass in the corner.


  1. MaryAnn, you came to mind this afternoon as I puttered and played in my studio—saw something on Instagram that made me want to play with some Henri Matisse cut-paper shapes, which led me to a paper stash, which led me to discover a single small sheet of rice paper, which led me to do some tearing and cutting, which led me to add some subtle touches to all four windows on p1 in my art journal. I know you know what following such art breadcrumbs feels like! Couldn't be more delicious!

    I love how you can get the lighthouse on your card to flash on and off by tilting the card to light—brilliant!!!

    1. Ha how one thing led to another! That's the story of my life! Yes...following delicious breadcrumbs is the perfect way to think about it. You go girl!

      I didn't think of tilting the card as "turning the lights on" fun!

  2. MaryAnn! I am a few days behind on reading blog posts. These last ones with anchor images are absolutely phenomenal!!!!! We all see the same thing- and yet so differently, and all of you have shown this in overtly talented ways. The sunsets, the beach, the snow day, the little boy, the windows, the faces- I'm overwhelmed and in awe.
    I totally agree - there is (almost) nothing better than a snow day! There were so few in WI but here in IN they happened a lot when my boys were in school and I was teaching. Loved the excitement of a day off, and of course, the snow!

    1. Happy New Year Kathy! Thanks for the vote of confidence on our Anchor Image Exchange more to share. We all certainly had a good time with it.

      Teachers and parents understand a snow day better than anyone else. had to be terrible to cancel school in Wisconsin......but every once in a while we'd get one I taught in Nashville for several years...and all it took was a few inches and schools would be closed for a week. It was somewhere in between in Maine.
