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Thursday, December 14, 2023

Earthy Vibe

It was chilly this morning for our walk....and we chose the route that took us by the Hackmatack tree. I love visiting this tree!  I'm going to enjoy it this winter and I'll be excited to watch the needles emerges in the spring!  

Almost all the needles have fallen....just the tiny pinecones remain. 

I collected a few to bring home....

....and put these teeny tiny pinecones in a teeny tiny bowl...and added them to my Earthy Santa Christmas Moment #14.

I've edited down my Santa collection over the years to just a few of my favorites....and the pinecones fit right into the earthy vibe.

Jane made the one on the left...isn't he spectacular!  And my collection of skinny Santas make me chuckle.  The tallest one is painted onto a cattail...a couple are painted onto cinnamon sticks...and the one with the outstretched arms is actually a stick. The chubby one in the front is painted onto a gourd.  

I love the glow of the tiny lights in the evening of this Earthy Christmas Moment.


  1. I am SMITTEN with your collection of earthy Santas, MaryAnn! They SO appeal to me.

    And the size of that small green bowl—perfection!

    1. Thanks Dotty.....I love them too! They all look so good together....and they all have a story.
