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Monday, December 18, 2023

Fiber Optics

We're in the middle of a wind and rain storm here in Maine. Two + inches of rain so far and more to come with wind gusts up to 30 mph.  Our electricity has been out since about 10:00 this morning...and it's unclear when it will be back on. Paul and I are visiting Margie right now to charge our phones and computers and visit a bit...and I thought I would write a quick post. 

My Christmas Moment #18 is this tiny fiber optic Christmas tree that Becky gave me and it's one of my favorite Christmas things.  The timing is perfect....because Becky and I had a good catch up call this morning.  

This sweet little tree has a USB port so I can plug into my computer...or with an adapter I can plug it into the wall. Win win!

When we get home at 4:00.....all my battery operated Christmas lights....including the ones in my marble bowl will come on. 

We'll be just fine!


  1. When my daughter Meg was a toddler she often fell asleep to a Winnie the Pooh record album (record album! I'm dating myself hahaha!) in which one of the memorable lines, invoked by me today, went as follows: It's a blustery day, says Tigger!

    I'm glad you were able to tap into the warmth of Margie's companionship and the availability of electricity at her place, and then return home to the sweet welcome of all your battery operated Chistmas lights back at your own home.

    We enjoyed a sizable double rainbow late this afternoon when the sun got just enough of a window to create a light show before some final rain fell.

    1. My husband and boys still prefer record our house is full of them.

      I remember the "blustery day" Tigger line. I actually like a blustery storm day once in a while. But the sun is shining and it's a new day!

      Very cool about the double rainbow!
