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Sunday, February 11, 2024

All The Colors!

This quote made me chuckle when it showed up on my screen....but just for the record it's not really how I feel.

"Did you know that 'Dammit I'm Mad' spelled backwards is 'Dammit I'm Mad'?"

But if I'm being honest....I might have thought dammit in my head a few times as I got into the deep corners of my studio closet.  I'm trying to make room for some of my son's precious things that need to be stored in a climate controlled some of my stuff has to go!  But I wasn't thinking dammit in an I'm mad kind of way....but's about time way!  It's going to be a process. 

I found some prefused pinstripe fabric in the closet that seemed to be the perfect addition to this painted page I started a few days ago....

...and it may propel me forward on this one. 

Thanks Sam!

I love that this stripe is a gradient from light to dark....and has ALL the colors.

You know how I love all the colors!

The evening sky was a beautiful color.....accenting a sliver of moon!


  1. Hot dammit, MaryAnn! What a find that pre-fused pinstripe fabric is, and your use of it in the painted page you have in progress is brilliant! It provides perfect stepping stones for moving through/around/across the stream of watercolor color swatches.

    And, oh, that beautiful evening sky!

    1. You always know just what to day Dotty! Thank you! The fabric seemed to be a perfect fit to this page.
