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Sunday, March 10, 2024

BE Things

We had crazy rain and wind overnight and into the seemed like Mother Nature was reminding us how powerful she really is. And I was so grateful for a safe and dry home where I could tend to my chores and Sunday tasks.   

This photo is actually from a year ago....but I know the colors of spring are coming....and will be worth the wait.

Paul has a part time Sunday preaching gig at a small church in Scarborough.  He's enjoying it....and he's good at it.  He sends me his sermon every week....and today he reflected on good old John know...that familiar God so loved the world passage.  And you don't even have to be a church goer to appreciate what he had to say. 

Paul asserted that faith is really more complicated that just simply believing. Faith is also about beholdingbelongingbehaving, and becoming.  Those sound like joy here's my Joyful Puttering takeaways from Paul's sermon: is about something. Whether it's God or some sort of a greater power...or maybe just believing that things will be OK and in the end and that love will win over hate.  But faith is also about:

Beholding the beauty and wonder of the sometimes magnificent and oftentimes simple world around us.  We need to look and listen....share and celebrate! 

It's also about home...and as part of community of people who care about us. We need to know we are not alone.

And it's about behaving in a loving and respectful way towards our planet and our fellow humans...even when we don't agree with them.

Spring is coming!

And is about becoming the best version of ourselves....willing to learn and grow.

Let's keep the faith and do all those "BE" things

Thanks Paul!


  1. Wonderful message. One of my favorite sermons focused on this thought as well:
    Be still and know that I am God.
    Be still and know that I am.
    Be still and know.
    Be still.
    I try to remember these words when I get caught up in the craziness of this world. It's not always easy to do- but it helps.
