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Wednesday, March 20, 2024

"Joy Comes Back"

This poem by Donna Ashworth came across my Instagram's just what I needed to hear on this busy....mostly out and about day.  It was in the quiet in between moments of the day....where I really noticed joy coming back.

I noticed it as I looked closely at a snowdrop from my garden.

And I felt it when this modest little Easter display on my kitchen window sill welcomed that simple little snowdrop.

Joy always come back if you're a gracious host!  


  1. Joy is for sure an everyday commitment to the practice of I-spy-with-my-little-eye-and-heart. Just now, a little pop of joy and delight in dusting a few leaves (of many hundreds) on the large floor plant sitting beside me in the chair where I've parked myself to read and relax. Look at the dark shiny green of those leaves!

    1. Don't you love when you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of tending to a simple task. You're going to enJOY those dark shiny leaves every time you sit and read! Well done Dotty!

  2. Love it. What a beautiful reminder❣️

    1. Yes Louise....I thought it was so well said! I hope JOY is coming back to you again and again.
