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Wednesday, March 6, 2024


Trudi posted this quote on her Facebook page....and it made me stop and think.  

"Only when normal things are not normal anymore do we realize how special normal things are."  unknown

I will say....I do like what I call everyday normal: no surprises or problems to big decisions to make...and plenty of time to putter. 

But maybe abnormal is really the new normal....and we need to remember to make time to putter and dance. (see the poem at the end)

Spring was in the air today....and it was a delight to be out for a couple of walks.

It was foggy this most of the trees and shrubs were covered with water droplets.  It was magical.


This particular view was Strikingly Pleasing.  The hazy sun through the distant trees....the small pine (shaped like a water droplet by the way) next to the perfectly placed rock...alongside the towering birch and tall pines.....made me stop in my tracks.

It's hard to tell....but the birch branches were covered in water droplets reflecting the was an everyday normal kind of magic.
And another beautiful poem came to my inbox...this time from Patty. It's just the message I needed to hear today.

I sometimes forget
that I was created for Joy.

My mind is too busy.

My Heart is too heavy 
for me to remember
that I have been
called to dance
the Sacred dance of life.

I was created to smile
To Love
To be lifted up
And to lift others up.

O'Sacred One
Untangle my feet
from all that trap

Free my soul.

That we might 
and that our dancing 
might be infections.



  1. Oh, those water droplets! Yes, magical. Everyday normal. The best.

  2. Rumi nearly always makes me want to dance. Loved the images. This is where the ordinary is most definitely extraordinary. 🩵

    1. Well said Roseanne! Isn't it wonderful when we can see that actually extraordinary!
