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Saturday, March 30, 2024

On My Table

I can't believe it's almost April...and tomorrow is Easter! Time does seem to fly these days.

After I met with Ida and Sally....I used what was left from Tuesday at the Table to make the April calendar page for Becky....and I got it in the mail early!  Seemed just right since my theme this year is whatever is on my table.

I cut a piece from my example master board...and used several of the tissue doodles that I had on hand. 

April calendar page ✔

On my table upstairs.....I added more leaves and some black and white pen doodles to my recent collage. 

I'm not sure I love it....the second set of cutout leaves are too big. I used the same leaves for both gelli prints...but I wish I would have chosen something else like palm leaves. Oh well.  

I do think it's better....or at least more interesting now.  
And I did add the birds to the grid collage page....and did an experiment with paper cuts. It's always tricky glueing down delicate papercuts.

So this time I put fusible webbing on the back of the paper before I cut out the circles....and all I had to do was iron it on the collage.  It worked perfectly.  

There are times that I might not want to iron on top of a I'm going to do this with caution.  

One more sitting and this colorful puzzle will be done.  
I'm saving it for Easter morning.


  1. MaryAnn, I love my visits to your blog. A daily dose of art no matter what!

    The rhythm of my own studio time was disrupted by my trip to VA for most of this past week but I hope to pick up creative strands again soon, perhaps tomorrow, and perhaps by creating a master sheet. I love seeing how you use selected found compositions from your sheets—e.g. your beautiful April calendar page for Becky!

    I thought of you several times while away—Caroline and I used our days together to make another 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle : )

    1. So glad you had a good trip and another puzzle was completed! Such a good thing to do while visiting and catching up. Welcome home!

      Master sheets are a good way to start a project....I should do it more often myself.

      Happy Easter Dotty!
