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Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Ordinary Morning

The morning shadows were an unexpected but welcome bonus of hanging the balls in the window.

I've always appreciated the striped shadows from the blinds....but now I have stripes AND balls in the morning! 

And after so much wind lately Paul and I were quite taken with the absolute calm of the pond this morning....the reflections were stunning. 

The intensity of the reflection of the low pine branch was just so striking...we knew it was flat...but it looked dimensional.  


There's a lot I just scroll past on my social media feed in the's just not possible to look at everything. But I was drawn in by the title of this poem and was quite taken with the premise.  It came from LeeAnn Renninger's Instagram feed.

The Patience of Ordinary Things 
by Pat Schneider

How interesting it was to think about my things having human emotions.  The idea that they are waiting patiently for my attention. To be tended to...or worn...or played with....or moved on to someone who might appreciate them more. 

And Pat was spot on....what IS more generous than a window?  What a wonderful notion. 
This got me thinking about another appropriation poem (Thank you Dotty) using the framework of Pat's The Patience of Ordinary Things.  I found her poem in the middle of my morning computer that's what I decided to celebrate. It probably need more editing....but it's time to here it is!

The Joy of an Ordinary Morning
by MaryAnn Shupe

It's a joy thing, is it not?
How the smell of the coffee brewing
Dances in the air
Adding to the anticipation.
How my favorite mug 
Is waiting in the cupboard
Ready to warm my hands 
On a chilly morning.
How the couch welcomes me 
To settle in after our walk... 
And after I've fed the bluebirds 
That are such a joy to watch.
My morning routine is calling me...
A ritual that is as simple and inspiring
As it is informative and engaging.
But then is willing to step aside 
As I lean into whatever comes next.
I don't need much more most days
Than the joy of an ordinary morning.

Do you think the balls are tickled to be putting on such a delightful show?


  1. The balls elbowed each other with wide grins, saying over and over in unbridled glee: She noticed our shadow show! She noticed our shadow show!

    Awesome appropriation, MaryAnn! Isn't it a huge gift that poets provide us first with a new lens through which to see the world and then a framework that opens the door for us to express ourselves more eloquently than we might have otherwise? I first became acquainted with Pat Schneider's evocative poem four years ago and have written at least one appropriation : )

    1. Well done on the opening line Dotty!

      I think my poem needs some work...but I do like this guided style.'s a gift. I've never thought of myself as a writer....but this does seem to open the door for me to play one on the blog!

      I'm not surprised you were familiar with Pat's poem.

  2. I can't think of a more delightful, color filled home for object so be "tickled".

  3. I love that Pat Schneider poem, and really love yours!

    This morning my delight was the 9AM sun shining thru the handle of my blue glass mug gave me a wonderful rainbow on my desk. I wish I had taken a photo of it. :-)

    1. Thanks Elle! Pat's poem has really stuck with me!

      And I can actually picture the rainbow created by the sun shining through the handle of your coffee mug! And maybe the picture/memory in our minds is even better than the photo on our screen. Thanks for sharing!
