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Monday, March 25, 2024

Three Ups

Just a quick post while we're at Margie's doing our three "ups": warming up...charging up...and catching up.  

We still don't have power.  I'm trying not to get discouraged....I know we are still better off than a lot of people in the I'll try and count my blessings.  

I've taken lots of photos around the neighborhood....and will go through them in more detail after we get out power back.  For's a little glimpse of our ice storm.

This tree was uprooted and stretches out into the pond.

Ice can be so beautiful.

But it can certainly do some damage too.

The view out the patio windows while the sun was going down. icey winter wonderland out there. 

It's about 52 degrees in the condo....and I'm ready for the power to come back.


  1. Grateful on your behalf that you have Margie nearby for three ups : ) Being without power can be formidable when HAVING power is the usual way of functioning—suddenly our modus operandi is upended, and everything changes and challenges.

    A power outage story of yore that still makes me laugh. It took place probably about 40 years ago or so. No power for an extended period of time. I opted to take the curtains down in our kitchen so as to let as much natural light in as possible. Once power was restored I figured I might as well run the curtains through the wash (first time ever). Big mistake—they disintegrated! Lesson learned: don't wash curtains!!!

    1. Good advice Dotty! I won't wash the curtains! Into our 3rd day with no power. At Margie's getting coffee and showering. Hopefully things will get back to normal today. Have a good trip!

  2. I'm so sorry ya'll are without power! I think I still have some trauma from a few years ago when we were without power for in the middle of Texas that rarely happens. Glad you have Margie and her warm place. Thanks for sharing your creative talents - you always help me "see" things in a different way! I love your joy filled creations!

    1. Thanks Merri. At first it was an adventure....but it's quickly turning to frustration. We're at Margie's now....wam coffee and a little internet to start the day.

      Thank you for your kind words. And thank you for following along.
