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Friday, April 5, 2024

Joy in the Storm

The greenhouse where Becky works in the summer posted this a week or so ago....and it made me chuckle.  Today seems like the perfect day to share it here.  

We had a pretty big snow storm yesterday....wet heavy snow starting late Wednesday night and all day Thursday.  Our power....along with thousands more in the area went out yesterday morning and is still out as I write this.

Paul and I are at Margie's getting showers and warming up as we take advantage of her power. Here we go again!  

But it's a mixed blessing....and I am finding joy in the storm.   

Because of the storm....there was a cancellation and I was able to have a medical procedure that I might not have been able to have until at least June.  

I jumped at the chance and spent yesterday and night at the hospital....and all is well.  Really.  All is well.  

And I am so grateful to our friend Jay...who delivered us to to the hospital in his truck. It was a mess yesterday morning!

So Paul and I will bundle up....and settle in for the evening with our headlamps and books tonight and find joy in the storm.  


  1. JOY in the storm! Yup! So grateful for all your good fortune yesterday and inspired by your outlook throughout, MaryAnn. ❤️

    1. It's all how you frame things. I am in a beautiful public library as I write this with all the comforts of home. Life provides what you need...most of the time. And even when things are difficult....there is always joy. Thanks Dotty!

    2. Your joy is a found composition exquisitely framed : )

    3. Your saying "it's all how you frame things" instantly sparked a memory of a quotation that I KNEW I had in my archives somewhere but could NOT for the life of me locate last evening, search though I did for ages, going down multiple rabbit holes on my computer. Today I just had to look again. Still took considerable searching but I finally found what I was looking for! From Reeve Lindbergh's novel entitled The Names of the Mountains:

      Then one day my grandmother leaned over as I sat next to her, and whispered to me. She said that if I let two lumps of sugar dissolve in the hot water, and then put in two slices of lemon, and pressed the lemon slices hard with my spoon, I would like my tea much better. Here—she would show me. And she then took up the sugar tongs with her hand, and took with them not two but three sugar lumps, and as many golden slices of lemon, and she put all this in my cup and pressed the lemon and smiled right at me. Go ahead! Try it! So I did, very carefully, with the tip of my tongue at first. Then she watched me to be sure I discovered she was right, and when I nodded, shyly she looked at me with such a message of enjoyment that I could not miss it: You see? Life is not as fearsome as you think. You simply have to put the right things in it.

    4. Oh Dotty....this is just fabulous! The right the right time! Thank you for persevering and uncovering it from your archives! You're amazing!

    5. Thanks for jumping up and down to appreciate this quotation with me, and for affirming my determination to locate it!

  2. Snowstorms, no power, procedure- and yet you are here to remind us to look for JOY. Take care MaryAnn, and I hope that by the time you read, this all is well again in your world.

    1. I think it's what I am compelled to's like a mantra that is going in my head all the time. Still no power...but there's nothing like a little catch-up in a public library to help things along. Thanks for your words of support Kathy! Much appreciated.
