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Monday, April 8, 2024

Light and Dark

"Seeing, after all, is all about light and dark.. And seeing is way bigger than looking." Jude Hill, Spirit Cloth

It was perfectly clear and unusually warm here in Maine today.....a perfect day to appreciate the light and dark of the eclipse.  And Jude Hill's words resonated with me....seeing is way bigger than looking.  We all can look at the same thing...but might not see the same thing. just bigger.

It felt festive in the neighborhood....people out and about....gathering and visiting in the streets with their chairs...snacks...and of course their viewing glasses.  

And then in the middle of the felt like dusk for just a few minutes....when the light faded towards darkness. Not completely dark here...but enough to feel special...and strange.  And the shadows were incredible!  
And on this first day of looking and seeing for my class...
I noticed so much light and dark in the melting chunks of snow!


  1. MaryAnn, what a lovely tribute to today's eclipse you've written here.

    I further enjoyed your attention to the light and dark in the chunks of snow. I painted a snow scene years ago and was fascinated both by how much dark existed in what I thought of as a white substance and by how using darks as I painted allowed me to create spectacular lights : )

    1. I so appreciate your connection story Dotty! Yes....we think of snow as just white...but it is so much more! Especially while it's melting and molding.

  2. The eclipse was one of the most fantastic things I have ever witnessed- and it was the perfect pairing of science and spirituality. I love the crazy shapes the snow makes as it melts- somewhat alien looking. Hope you are feeling better.

    1. It was pretty amazing! And I love your observation of the pairing of science and spirituality. So many things are.

      And yes...I love those crazy shapes too.

      I'm doing well, by the way.

  3. It was fascinating to see the crisp shadows even when it got very dusky. You don't see this at true dusk due to the angle from the sun.

    1. Hadn't really thought about that! Thanks Elle!
