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Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Movement and Rhythm

This fuzzy pussy willow branch caught my eye on my walk today!

The large branch actually broke off in the last storm...but the buds have been opening up and I've enjoyed the close-up view. 

I raved about this sweet tomato tray yesterday but I didn't give the full view it deserved.  

I know it's just a simple cardboard tray....but for some reason I really love it.  Sometimes it's the simple things that caputre your heart.

Other than a nice visit with Margie this morning...this was mostly a "taking care of my home" day. I took advantage of Paul being away and had carpets cleaned in two bedrooms and the kitchen and entryway tile floors steam cleaned today.

That meant everything (except the big furniture) had to come out....and it also meant that it was the right time to do a good spring cleaning in those spaces. I got into the rhythm of it all....and it felt good to be taking care of our home. I'm tired...and I'll sleep good tonight.  

Speaking of rhythm....this week's Conscious Creativity lesson is all about Movement and Rhythm.'s about capturing and celebrating actual movement...but it's also about findinding implied rhythm and movement in lines and patterns. The homework is going to be challenging....but I'll do my best.  It was already a busy week!  I'll take a little field trip trip somewhere tomorrow in search of the theme.


  1. Movement and rhythm and cleaning, oh my!

    We have a pussywillow in our back yard from which I cut sprigs several weeks ago to put indoors in a vase; neither outdoor nor indoor display has reached the catkin stage yet but I suspect that blossoming will occur soon.

    Thanks for the full view of the cardboard tomato tray; it has such an appealing yesteryear vibe.

    Eager to see whatever movement and rhythm homework you get to this week : )

    1. Love you opening line of this comment!

      Catkin is a new word for me...thank you!

      I'm eager to see where this takes me too....not really the best week for it....too many other things to do.
