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Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Say Something!

I'm so excited that the scilla I watch along one of our walking routes every year is just starting to show its colors.  

In a few days it will be covered with snow....but it will melt soon enough and I'll be visiting this yard again again to watch the progress. Because IT....will soon be covered in beautiful blooms rather than snow. 

If you see something say something.....that's how the saying goes.  But what I am trying to also do more and more is if I feel something....say something.  It feels good to compliment someone on something we see....but it also feels good to thank someone and express gratitude for something that makes us feel good....or was meaningful to us.  

I wrote Wendy Solganik, the instructor for the Watercolor for Relaxation course, and thanked her for the course.  I included what I wrote on an Instagram post where I had a posted a little video of my journey through her course. You can see that video here:

And much to my surprise....Becky alerted me that my Instagram writeup was published in Wendy's last newsletter including one of my pieces as she continues to promote her class.

And another course that was at the time time for me was way back in 2017 when I took the life changing Conscious Creativity course with Philippa Stanton.  

Phillippa is offering a version of it again....and recently used part of my testimonial from back then for her advertising now.  

It feels good to say something!


  1. What a sweet sweet resonant post, MaryAnn! Here is what I have to say (through Elizabeth Berg via her novel Joy School):

    It’s a good thing
    to let people know
    how much you like them.
    It’s strange but true
    that people usually forget
    to do that,
    but then when you see
    how the littlest compliment
    can make a person
    sit up lively
    you say to yourself,

    oh yeah.

    1. I couldn't love this more! Oh yeah!

      Thank you for saying something so often here Dotty. Your kind words....comments...and observations are helpful and heartwarming.
