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Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Proverbial Garden Post

After yesterday's post I wanted to share a wider view of this green textured section of garden. I share it often....because it brings me a lot of joy. The only non green color comes from the purple coral bell leaves...the pottery mushroom caps...and of course the toes of my shoes. And there's the tumbled red sea brick we found up in Perry along the side.

I chuckled when Dotty commented yesterday that she likes the textures and greens of hosta....but not the tall spiky blooms. I feel the same I just cut them off.

There are at least 8 or 9 different kinds of hosta in this section....
some of them are quite small and a few quite big.

A sentimental favorite is this slender and upright hosta from my sister Angie called Praying Hands.....I call it Angie's Praying Hands. Angie's faith was strong...and her life way too short. 

I have shared splits from Angie's hosta with a few people...and moved a piece of it to my front garden.  And don't you love the candlepin bowling ball I got from Janice!

The hosta blooms that get to stay in my garden come from my extra large royal standard. 

The plant itself is ordinary green...but the leaves are large and grand...and the fragrant white blooms are bold and beautiful!     



  1. Thanks for holding me hosta-ge with this post, MaryAnn! Loved learning about your various hostas and loved finding out that when you don't like their flowers you just cut them off : ) That extra large royal standard blossom is a beauty, I have to say.

    1. I wish I knew the names for them all....but only know a few. If you ever come to the "other side"....I have plenty to share.

  2. Thanks for sharing your garden with us. As I have brown thumbs, I tend to live vicariously through others gardening talents. My husband doesn't like the spiky blooms either! What is the reason for this???? They turn into fragile looking lavender flowers. Help me understand :)

    1. I'm laughing out loud because I've thought the same thing. "Help me understand" just perfect! Mother Nature gets it right most of the time....but what was she thinking on these. Thanks for bringing a smile to my day Kathy!

  3. The hummingbirds love the blooms and they are fun to watch flitting from flower to flower. So there is that!

    1. Yes they do. My hummingbird garden is on the other side of the patio and they visit every day! We love watching them.
