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Sunday, September 8, 2024

New Day

"Ah, September! You are the doorway to the season that awakens my soul." Peggy Toney Horton

The sky was blue and the air was dry and breezy.

It's warm in the sun and chilly in the shade.... 

.....and it felt more like a fall than summer.

I sat down at my puzzle table with a cup of coffee this morning and connected the path from top to bottom in less than a minute. The pieces were already right there on the table...I just couldn't see them clearly yesterday. 

Sometimes a new day with a fresh perspective makes all the difference.  

My next goal will be connecting a path from side to colorful little character at a time! 

Every day I have a new perspective on my stripes project. I knew it would be tricky...but I didn't think I would struggle fiddle this much. But there's no hurry...other than the fact that we're having friends over tomorrow to have dinner and play cards and a family gathering next Sunday. I'll have to move it all to the guest room for a while....and it may have to be on hold.

I have gotten some feedback from a couple friends...and I just keep tweaking. At some point I just need to tack it all together so I can hold it up in the room and look from a distance.  That's the only way I'll know.

As I looked back at Jane's inspiration pieces...she often inserts a row of small skinny that's what I experimented with today. I quickly assembled this strip from scraps....and didn't even think about it too much.  Maybe that's my problem....I'm thinking too much.  

But there may be too many colors going on here...but it will give me a sense whether I like the concept. 

Right now it's just plopped on top...but it certainly would be a focal point.   


  1. Sometimes a new day with a fresh perspective makes all the difference. Yup! Whether connecting a puzzle path from one side to the other or creating a stripes wall hanging … I love the way you are focusing on one colorful little character at a time, leaving deadlines out of the process.

    Thanks for the glimpse of that wall hanging in process : )

    1. I knew you would relate to this Dotty! Are we lucky to have new days....every day!

      I could use your eye on my piece...especially since you are so familiar with Jane's work. I may email you at some point to get some feedback.

    2. oh, please do! I'd be honored and delighted to give you feedback on your evolving stripes piece. I was JUST today thinking about wanting to exercise my art feedback skills, skills that Jane Davies was instrumental in advancing significantly when I took one of her courses and she held my feet to the fire : )

    3. Yay! Every time I photograph it....I see things I want to change....but photos will be coming soon.

  2. I’m really liking that second to last photo. To me, it has a nice feel and flow to it and the small skinnies make it. Just IMHO.
    It's got to sing for you. ♥️

    1. Oh....that's great feedback Roseanne....and I haven't even carefully placed it yet. But I will keep it in mind...and may send some photos for more feedback. I need help!
