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Tuesday, September 3, 2024


"Let today be about everything you already have instead of everything you still want." @twillostory

I added a couple layers of transparent zinc white paint around the tissue sun print bottles....and I think it punctuates them a little more. 

I was a little unsure about that bottle second from the right at seemed a little washed out on one side. But now I love how the leaf print (which is actually the transparent negative space) landed on that side of the bottle  

I've got to play with bottle shapes again...they're really growing on me. 

Paul knows I'm always on the lookout for colorful doors.

He spied this blue one on a bike ride and sent it to me. Thanks Paul....your good looking skills make me happy.
Remember my little leaf sprout with the heart at the top?

8 trips in and out of the condo = 4 precious prints to stitch onto little cards. I wonder how many times I can use this one little branch before it falls apart.


  1. You punctuated this day with blue, ighter blue, and white—E.B. White has nothing on you when it comes to The Elements of Style, MaryAnn. Did you punctuate bottle edges in a couple of places with a sprinkling of fine white dots (periods? colons?)? Nicely done! Excellent line editing : )

    1. Thanks Dotty. Yes...there are a few dots which I regretted the minute I put them in. Yes...maybe there just periods...colons...and my dot dot dots!
