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Sunday, September 29, 2024


"Joy comes to us in ordinary moments. We risk missing out when we get too busy chasing down the extraordinary." Brene Brown

Some weeds are a nuisance and can be invasive....others can be beautiful and interesting in the right context.

This is my new favorite pressed weed for cyanotype printing. I love how airy it is and how it radiates out from the middle. I learned that it's called purge...and it is invasive.

It what was printed on the back of this teabag...

just enough white to compliment the prints coming through from the front. 

I only had this one I went on weed hunt this afternoon...and found something similar nestled in the pool landscaping rock...I'm pressing it in my atlas. 

I think this might be prostrate knotweed....doesn't that just sound like a weed? It has the same airy stems and tiny leaves....we'll see how it dries.....and whether it prints beautifully in the right context.


  1. I'm amused reading this post as I think of many conversations between my hubby Dave and 17 yo granddaughter Caroline—Dave sees weeds; Caroline does not! I see much beauty in the purge you picked : )

    1. I'm so glad this amused does me too. Weeds are just a matter of perspective!

  2. Your prints are coming out just so lovely! I had to laugh though at the "purge" - seems like an appropriate name for a weed :)

    1. Thanks Kathy! Yes on that name seems appropriate....and I typed it wrong. It's actually "spurge".....which is just a "weedy!" In the article it said "purge the spurge!"
