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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Laura Meddaugh, Jubilant Acrylics just another word for JOYFUL!
Every once in a while I come across an artist who feeds my soul. 
Laura Meddaugh is one of those artists.  Her work just makes me happy...and 
I have really enjoyed getting to know her a bit..she oozes joy!

Laura's work has gone through several different phases and you can find her Facebook photo-stream here here at Jubilant Acrylics.  I met her while I lived in Madison and was quite taken with the color and whimsy in her work.

Remember this happy wall I posted when I talked about "Surprised by Joy?"  I mentioned that the three lower pictures on the right were done by Laura.

When I first met Laura she was doing these amazing miniature pieces called "Rooms With a View." It's hard to tell...but the small watercolor is actually dimensional with the window cut out and the outside background recessed. Each piece features some sort of famous piece of art which generally sets the tone and the color palette. And...they always have a clever title...this one being "Sunny side Up" featuring the tummy up cat and sunflowers.

It hangs along with a few of her later pieces that are much different...but just as colorful and whimsical.  The piece on the right, "Strawberry Fields" has one of the fields cut out and is backed with a piece of fabric. The one on the left is "Dog Day Afternoon."

Two other "Rooms With a View" I own are "And the Beach Goes On" and "Down on the Farm."

I think these "Rooms With a View" are incredible!

In Maine I have two of Laura's pieces that I see every time I come into the house from the garage. "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" and "This Is What Democracy Looks Like." (based on the teachers' union protests at the Capitol in Madison in 2011)

It was during a visit to Laura'a home studio that I saw the glass balls hanging in her dining room that inspired me to do the same thing at my house....I posted about it  here.

Thanks Laura!  I'm a huge fan!  And, I think you could call me a collector of Jubilant Acrylics!

After all....jubilant is just another word for JOY!

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