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Monday, February 23, 2015

The Perfect Project... the perfect time.

I have been doing cross stitch for as long as I can remember.  I generally have one going...although not at the moment...hmmm.  When I was between projects a while back my friend Patsy offered me a kit for this beautiful spectrum of flowers. It was the perfect project at the perfect time.

It lives in my dining room in Maine. I shopped around my house for different items for the shelf to mimic to spectrum of colors...and I change it up now and then.

I just love it!  Thanks Patsy.

Patsy is also an avid cross stitcher...and she takes on unbelievably complicated ones.  I will have to take some pictures of some of them to share at some point.  This snapshot of the tiger is part of a very large one....the detail is incredible.

She stitched this awesome farmhouse for me for my 40th birthday! How lucky am I?

It hangs in my dining room in can see it to the right of the glass balls.

Speaking of Patsy...when I wrote about my cathedral window quilt I mentioned that Patsy was on her 3rd or 4th...she is actually on her 5th! (I have already changed it in that post)  That's hard for me to believe....and I watch her work!

This is either Patsy's or Jane's....but I just wanted to revisit
the beauty that is a cathedral window quilt.

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