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Friday, March 27, 2015

A Missing Piece!

A puzzler's nightmare!

I finally finished this 1000 piece craft cupboard puzzle I mentioned a while back.  I looked for this piece several times and thought it would present itself at the end....but NO!  I will need to do some cleaning to see if I can find the missing piece.

This one took me a while...too much blogging I guess.  But I'm OK with that.  Time to start another one.  I have been putting my puzzles away with the edge pieces already sorted ready for the next time.  I just loaned one to a friend and he was thrilled with the presorted edge pieces.


  1. We put one together in the teachers lounge at work. Same thing one piece missing. Really takes the thrill out of the finale.

  2. Yes it does.....I still hope I find it....I may have to dig into the vacuum cleaner bag.
