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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Sunflower Field

My sister LaVonn and brother-in-law Tim live on a farm in Wisconsin. Years back Tim raised cattle, but now is just growing crops. That left a cattle pen right along the road sitting empty...and you can just imagine how fertile the soil was. 
Then Tim had a brilliant idea!  

He turned this.....

My son Sam (on the left) and his cousins Sam and Ben in with the cattle several years ago. (I think it was 2004)  This was Ben's calf he was showing at the 4-H fair.  I grew up as a 4-H member.

....into this!

Looking left as you pull in the driveway.
A zoomed in view from an upstairs window of the house.
Looking right as you pull in the driveway is this awesome view below.  The lilies and the sunflowers bloom about the same time so it's a spectacular show and was perfect timing for our family reunion last summer!

Nice job Tim and LaVonn!

Tim told me someone gave him seed heads that are 14 inches could be an even more spectacular show this summer!

I am working on something for LaVonn's birthday....stay tuned.  I hope to have it done soon....I already missed her birthday.

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