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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A Mountain View and a Bottle of Joy!

After transposing Ellen onto the beach in the quote journal...I was on a roll and did a few more digital art pieces for this shared art journal spread in Ellen's book.  

I took this picture from Ellen's Facebook page and transposed her and her husband Phil to a edge of a meadow overlooking the mountains.  I added a little free motion quilting

In the Pages program there is a tool called "instant alpha" where you can mostly remove the background of a picture....some are easier than others.

This allowed me to place them on top 
of the new scene below and overlay the quote.

This is a screen shot right from the document I worked on.

My printer was running out of ink...but it actually gave the picture an interesting I went with it.  I am pretty stingy with my's expensive!

I do like the loopy free motion quilting in the clouds.

For the bottle page I used this picture of Ellen and Phil at the Grand Canyon. I have always liked this image of the blue wine bottle from a magazine advertisement. I cut it out...including the label and scanned it. They I imported the jpg into "page layout" in my pages program. I cropped the picture of Ellen and Phil to place over the label....then I added the "Joy!"

Finally I printed it on card stock, cut it out again, and stitched it 
on the watercolored background.  

VoilĂ !  A Bottle of Joy!


  1. wow, from DC to a mountain meadow and from the Grand Canyon to a bottle of wine! It's beautiful MaryAnn, love your computer work! You are a marvel.

  2. You have given me such good material to work with....and you continue to be my biggest cheerleader!
