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Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Quote Journal Exchange

A year or so ago Ellen, Lynn and I finished another creative art exchange. We each started with a used chunky children's book to alter. We were to pick favorite quotes and illustrate them. We started with three pages in our own books and sent it to the next person. ...then on to the next.

The pages in these books have a little bit of a we found it helpful to give them a light sand and cover them with gesso...and artist's canvas primer.  

This was my cover...similar to my Six Word Story Book using punched squares from my favorite used calendars. I used washi tape on the binding because it's very flexible.  I covered the whole thing with matte medium to seal it.

Washi tape is a Japanese paper tape...
kind of like masking tape.  
It comes in great colors and 
has a lot of uses.

I am thinking about the quote journal today because Ellen is flying home from visiting her son in the southwest.   While she's there she enjoys happy hour by the pool.

So...what's the connection?

When I had Ellen's quote book I used a picture from her Facebook page from her last visit, and using my pages program, transposed her onto the beach....another place she loves to be.  The quote was perfect for her and the book.  Cheers Ellen!

More pages from the quote journal to come.