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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Happy Birthday Mom!

I am writing this on April 12th and it's mom's birthday....she would have been 89 today. One of my favorite things I have from my mom is this needlework bell pull she made.  It hangs in my living room and I see it almost every day.


My mother was a a busy woman having raised nine children on a farm. But I have a very clear image of her relaxing in a rocking chair in the corner of the dining room at the end of a long day...reading, looking through magazines, and once in a while doing a little needlework.  She loved that spot...away from the TV and the kids.

One of my fondest memories was coming home very late at night from my waitressing job and seeing the dining room light on...knowing she waited up sitting in her corner.  She did this every now and then and loved helping me count my tips.  I miss her!

The picture below is me at 2 months old with my mom in 1959....I was the 7th child.  She always said she loved the babies...all 9 of them.

In this beautiful picture I think she was just 18.
Elaine Marie Funk Miller.  1926-1988.

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