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Saturday, April 11, 2015

A Splash of Color

The first of what will be the occasional post featuring one of my photographs of "a splash of color." And an introduction to the quilt artist/blogger who inspired the idea. 

A Splash of Color
Door County, Wisconsin

One of Maryline's quilts

I love to soak in the world around me...finding joy in the details.  

Swiss quilter, Maryline Collioud-Robert seems to do just that and I have been checking out her blog called "Mary & Patch" for quite some time. I love her quilts...and I love the way she approaches her blog. She has regular features like a "blue spot"...and now more recently a "rainbow spot."  They are little snapshots of the delightful.

Here a a few of her "blue spots."  Now you see where I got my idea for "a splash of color."

She also has regular posts called "inspiration".... pictures and images that inspire her art and quilting and another called "Pinterest led me to"...which is exactly what you think.

   She found this awesome wool piece here.

Another feature is "Color Vibrations" where she shows a color palette based on a beautiful photo she has taken and, "Favorite Post of the Week" things she discovers on other blogs.

It was fascinating to see the secret behind the photo in one of her "favorite post this week" found here.

Finally a series of images called "China mosaics" where she grouped images in different color schemes from her travels to China.  Stunning to look at!

I am going to adapt a few of Maryline's ideas for my blog but will make them my own.

Thanks for inspiring me Maryline!

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