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Friday, April 10, 2015


I was walking with Anita a few mornings ago and this "inspire" caught my eye in a store window.

There are so many people and things that inspire me....and I love it when I just stumble on them.

This photograph is courtesy of a Google search.
Photo from their blog.
While I lived in Madison I was introduced to a wonderful store called Anthology on State Street near the Capital. It's owned by two sisters, Sachi and Laura Komai, and is jam packed full of craft supplies, hand made items, paper products, color, and just plain fun! I loved going in...I hardly ever walked out empty handed and always left inspired.

"Store and Stories:  Collections to Inspire, Create & Celebrate" from their blog

Random family on Sate Street with the capital in the background.

My three men record shopping on State Street.
Nate, Sam and Paul

One day I came home with this sweet little book written by Laura Komai, one of the owners. I was drawn to the colors and images....all presented in grids of different size squares...and I was happy to support the good work of this wonderful store. This book can be found here...and you can even get a look inside on this site.

At first I just enjoyed the images...frequently flipping through the pages...reading the headings, and studying the photos of beautiful places and projects.  Then one night I read the words...and I actually got a little emotional.  I know that sounds corny...but it felt like some of the pages were my own I could have written them.

On the back cover Laura describes her book as..."A collection of words and images, things made and things found, from here and there, colors and textures, fabrics and papers, buttons and baubles, from thirtysomething years of gathering and creating and wondering and wandering. Enjoy the journey!"

Sounds like the goal of my blog. Even though I hadn't picked up this book for a few years it has been rattling around in my head...quietly inspiring me...nudging me.

"I believe that you should be bringing something, anything beautiful or interesting or moving or just pretty, something that is YOURS, into the world right now.  What are you waiting for."  excerpt from the book

Laura talks about "spending hours sorting and gathering, from my mother's buttons to magazine ads and craft supplies.  Some people find all these collections overwhelming, but I find great enjoyment and inspiration in the process of collecting and using such diverse materials."  I couldn't have said it better myself.  

I share Laura's love for quilts, collecting, the color blue and a new appreciation for orange, the beach, paper, snippets, polka dots, the rainbow spectrum, and children's books...and on and on.

I haven't met you yet Laura...but it feels as though you are a kindred soul!  And your wonderful little book is an inspiration to me.   Thanks Laura!


  1. what a nice tribute to the store and the sisters. I love this store too.

  2. Thanks Ellen. I'm looking forward to visiting the store next time I'm in WI.
