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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Tweaking.... the other house.  My friend Lynn (the artist) is coming to I'm cleaning....and when I clean I tweak, rearrange, and ponder.

This wall color does not photograph looks pretty bad in a's better in person.  

I have struggled a bit with these shelves...they're on a big wall...and with the TV it's a bit awkward.  I have been happy with the left...especially with Lynn's art...but I'm trying something new on the right.

I bought this lovely art quilt at "Craft Boston" last summer from Cindy Grisdela an artist/quilter I have admired for quite some time.  I just love it! I really wanted it in my kitchen...but was a bit worried about splashes. It's hard to tell from this picture...but it's mounted on a deep profile black canvas...which changes it from a an art piece.

In the next few days I will share much more about Cindy....she is a huge inspiration to me.

For a while I had it centered over the shelf....but I just moved it to the left....and relocated "surprised by joy."  There is one little purple strip in the quilt so the colors work well!  I'm happier with the arrangement for now...but don't be surprised if it changes again.

I have shown you my argyle rug before in the center of the room....but here is my patchwork rug I was standing on taking the picture above.

Another colorful Company C rug....I love it!

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